Protect West Chatham Forest Forever


I applaud the Chatham Open Space Committee for its proposal to dedicate the last remaining forest along Middle Road as conservation land in perpetuity. The people of Chatham have spoken repeatedly about their desire to keep this forest intact. It also aligns with the town’s long range comprehensive plan, which states: “Pressure on our natural resources continues as Chatham's population expands. It is necessary…to prevent further damage if we are to preserve Chatham's natural assets so vital to the town's character and economic health.” The plan's Land Use Goal reads “...promote the re­development and reuse of existing developed property rather than the development of vacant land.” Why?

1. It is a crucial water recharge area for Chatham. All our water comes from groundwater. Forest cover increases groundwater recharge. Developments decrease it.
2. Maintaining forest will help minimize Chatham’s carbon footprint, and thus its contributions to global climate change.
3. Fragmentation of habitat is destructive to wildlife.

The town’s 2010 open space and recreation plan shows that this location is an important habitat for protection of rare species such as box turtles, a species of critical concern. I have observed a dramatic decline in bird and amphibian populations here. Development and road traffic are fragmentation factors contributing to this decline. This property adjoins extensive conservation lands and thus improves its value as open space and as unfragmented wildlife habitat. For the sake of future generations, and for the sake of wildlife, wilderness, and our ability to enjoy it, let’s protect this forest permanently.

Frederick Atwood
Oakton, Va.


Protect Land, Protect Water